
A1 : True or false? If false, give the correct answer.

1. Bangladesh is a big country.
   Answer: False.
   Correct answer: Bangladesh is a small country.
2. Bangladesh has a small population.
   Answer: False.
   Correct answer: Bangladesh has a large population.
3. There are many rivers in Bangladesh.
   Answer: True.
4. The Padma is one of the main rivers of Bangladesh.
   Answer: True.
5. Bangladesh is a peaceful country.
   Answer: True.
6. Only the Muslims live here.
   Answer: False.
   Correct answer: People from different communities live here.
7. There are many varieties of fish in the rivers.
   Answer: True.

Grammatical Note:
In this lesson, present indefinite tense is used. So, the students should also practise this tense both in affirmative and Interrogative sentence.
Present Indefinite Tense:
Structure: Affirmative Sentence : Subject+verb+Object.
          Example : He is Bangladeshi.
          Interrogative Sentence : Verb+Subject+Object?
          Example: Is he Bangladeshi?

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