
You want to know the way to the bus station to a traffic police/ passer by.
Myself           : Excuse me, could you help me, please?
Traffic police : How can I help you?
Myself           : Would you please tell me the way to the bus station?
Traffic police : Yes, go up to the end of this road and then turn right. The bus station is on the left.
Myself           : Thanks a lot.
Traffic police : You are welcome.

A dialogue between you and a receptionist for booking a room in the hotel.
Receptionist  : Good evening, sir!
Myself           : Good evening! I would like to book a room in your hotel.
Receptionist  : What type of room do you need, sir?
Myself           : A single AC room. Could you please tell the rent?
Receptionist  : It’s Tk.500/- per day.
Myself           : I would like to take a room.
Receptionist  : Please fill in this information card.
Myself           : Ok.
Receptionist  : Here is your key. Your room number is 303.
Myself           : Thank you
Receptionist  : You are welcome.

You want to leave a message over phone.
Myself           : Hello, Good afternoon!
Friends’ sister         : Good afternoon! Who’s calling, please?
Myself           : I’m X. Could I talk to Y, please?
Friends’ sister         : Sorry, she is not at home.
Myself           : Oh! When’ll she come?
Friends’ sister         : In the evening.
Myself           : Could I leave a message?
Friends’ sister         : Yes, of course.
Myself           : Would you please tell her to see me tomorrow?
Friends’ sister         : Ok, I’ll do that.
Myself           : Thank you.
Friends’ sister         : You are welcome.

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